Source code for pyflac.encoder

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  pyFLAC encoder
#  Copyright (c) 2020-2024, Sonos, Inc.
#  All rights reserved.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

from enum import Enum
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import tempfile
from typing import Callable

import numpy as np
import soundfile as sf

from pyflac._encoder import ffi as _ffi
from pyflac._encoder import lib as _lib

# -- State

[docs] class EncoderInitException(Exception): """ An exception raised if initialisation fails for a `StreamEncoder` or a `FileEncoder`. """ def __init__(self, code): self.code = code def __str__(self): return _ffi.string(_lib.FLAC__StreamEncoderInitStatusString[self.code]).decode()
[docs] class EncoderProcessException(Exception): """ An exception raised if an error occurs during the processing of audio data. """ pass
class _Encoder: """ A pyFLAC Encoder. This generic class handles interaction with libFLAC. """ def __init__(self): """ Create a new libFLAC instance. This instance is automatically released when there are no more references to the encoder. """ self._initialised = False self._encoder = _ffi.gc(_lib.FLAC__stream_encoder_new(), _lib.FLAC__stream_encoder_delete) self._encoder_handle = _ffi.new_handle(self) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _init(self): raise NotImplementedError # -- Processing def process(self, samples: np.ndarray): """ Process some samples. This method ensures the samples are contiguous in memory and then passes a pointer to the numpy array to the FLAC encoder to process. On processing the first buffer of samples, the encoder is set up for the given amount of channels and data type. This is automatically determined from the numpy array. Raises: TypeError: if a numpy array of samples is not provided EncoderProcessException: if an error occurs when processing the samples """ if not isinstance(samples, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('Processing only supports numpy arrays') if not self._initialised: try: self._channels = samples.shape[1] except IndexError: self._channels = 1 self._bits_per_sample = samples.dtype.itemsize * 8 self._init() samples = np.ascontiguousarray(samples).astype(np.int32) samples_ptr = _ffi.from_buffer('int32_t[]', samples) result = _lib.FLAC__stream_encoder_process_interleaved(self._encoder, samples_ptr, len(samples)) _ffi.release(samples_ptr) if not result: raise EncoderProcessException(str(self.state)) def finish(self) -> bool: """ Finish the encoding process. This flushes the encoding buffer, releases resources, resets the encoder settings to their defaults, and returns the encoder state to `EncoderState.UNINITIALIZED`. A well behaved program should always call this at the end. Returns: (bool): `True` if successful, `False` otherwise. """ return _lib.FLAC__stream_encoder_finish(self._encoder) # -- State @property def state(self) -> EncoderState: """ EncoderState: Property to return the encoder state """ return EncoderState(_lib.FLAC__stream_encoder_get_state(self._encoder)) # -- Getters & Setters @property def _verify(self) -> bool: """ bool: Property to get/set the encoder verify functionality. If set `True`, the encoder will verify its own encoded output by feeding it through an internal decoder and comparing the original signal against the decoded signal. """ return _lib.FLAC__stream_encoder_get_verify(self._encoder) @_verify.setter def _verify(self, value: bool): _lib.FLAC__stream_encoder_set_verify(self._encoder, bool(value)) @property def _channels(self) -> int: """ int: Property to get/set the number of audio channels to encode. """ return _lib.FLAC__stream_encoder_get_channels(self._encoder) @_channels.setter def _channels(self, value: int): _lib.FLAC__stream_encoder_set_channels(self._encoder, value) @property def _bits_per_sample(self) -> int: """ int: Property to get/set the resolution of the input to be encoded. """ return _lib.FLAC__stream_encoder_get_bits_per_sample(self._encoder) @_bits_per_sample.setter def _bits_per_sample(self, value: int): _lib.FLAC__stream_encoder_set_bits_per_sample(self._encoder, value) @property def _sample_rate(self) -> int: """ int: Property to get/set the sample rate (in Hz) of the input to be encoded. """ return _lib.FLAC__stream_encoder_get_sample_rate(self._encoder) @_sample_rate.setter def _sample_rate(self, value: int): _lib.FLAC__stream_encoder_set_sample_rate(self._encoder, value) @property def _blocksize(self) -> int: """ int: Property to get/set the number of samples to use per frame. Use `0` to let the encoder estimate a blocksize - this is usually best. """ return _lib.FLAC__stream_encoder_get_blocksize(self._encoder) @_blocksize.setter def _blocksize(self, value: int): _lib.FLAC__stream_encoder_set_blocksize(self._encoder, value) @property def _compression_level(self) -> int: raise NotImplementedError @_compression_level.setter def _compression_level(self, value: int): _lib.FLAC__stream_encoder_set_compression_level(self._encoder, value) @property def _streamable_subset(self) -> bool: """ bool: Property to get/set the streamable subset setting. If true, the encoder will comply with the Subset and will check the settings during init. If false, the settings may take advantage of the full range that the format allows. """ return _lib.FLAC__stream_encoder_get_streamable_subset(self._encoder) @_streamable_subset.setter def _streamable_subset(self, value: bool): _lib.FLAC__stream_encoder_set_streamable_subset(self._encoder, value) @property def _limit_min_bitrate(self) -> bool: return _lib.FLAC__stream_encoder_get_limit_min_bitrate(self._encoder) @_limit_min_bitrate.setter def _limit_min_bitrate(self, value: bool): _lib.FLAC__stream_encoder_set_limit_min_bitrate(self._encoder, value)
[docs] class StreamEncoder(_Encoder): """ The pyFLAC stream encoder is used for real-time compression of raw audio data. Raw audio data is passed in via the `process` method, and chunks of compressed data is passed back to the user via the `write_callback`. Args: sample_rate (int): The raw audio sample rate (Hz) write_callback (fn): Function to call when there is compressed data ready, see the example below for more information. seek_callback (fn): Optional function to call when the encoder wants to seek within the output file. tell_callback (fn): Optional function to call when the encoder wants to find the current position within the output file. compression_level (int): The compression level parameter that varies from 0 (fastest) to 8 (slowest). The default setting is 5, see for more details. blocksize (int): The size of the block to be returned in the callback. The default is 0 which allows libFLAC to determine the best block size. streamable_subset (bool): Whether to use the streamable subset for encoding. If true the encoder will check settings for compatibility. If false, the settings may take advantage of the full range that the format allows. verify (bool): If `True`, the encoder will verify its own encoded output by feeding it through an internal decoder and comparing the original signal against the decoded signal. If a mismatch occurs, the `process` method will raise a `EncoderProcessException`. Note that this will slow the encoding process by the extra time required for decoding and comparison. limit_min_bitrate (bool): If `True`, the encoder will not output frames which contain only constant subframes, which can be beneficial for streaming applications. Examples: An example write callback which adds the encoded data to a queue for later processing. .. code-block:: python :linenos: def write_callback(self, buffer: bytes, num_bytes: int, num_samples: int, current_frame: int): if num_samples == 0: # If there are no samples in the encoded data, this is # a FLAC header. The header data will arrive in several # different callbacks. Otherwise `num_samples` will be # the block size value. pass self.queue.append(buffer) self.total_bytes += num_bytes Raises: ValueError: If any invalid values are passed in to the constructor. """ def __init__(self, sample_rate: int, write_callback: Callable[[bytes, int, int, int], None], seek_callback: Callable[[int], None] = None, tell_callback: Callable[[], int] = None, metadata_callback: Callable[[int], None] = None, compression_level: int = 5, blocksize: int = 0, streamable_subset: bool = True, verify: bool = False, limit_min_bitrate: bool = False): super().__init__() self.write_callback = write_callback self.seek_callback = seek_callback self.tell_callback = tell_callback self.metadata_callback = metadata_callback self._sample_rate = sample_rate self._blocksize = blocksize self._compression_level = compression_level self._streamable_subset = streamable_subset self._verify = verify self._limit_min_bitrate = limit_min_bitrate def _init(self): rc = _lib.FLAC__stream_encoder_init_stream( self._encoder, _lib._write_callback, _lib._seek_callback if self.seek_callback else _ffi.NULL, _lib._tell_callback if self.tell_callback else _ffi.NULL, _lib._metadata_callback if self.metadata_callback else _ffi.NULL, self._encoder_handle ) if rc != _lib.FLAC__STREAM_ENCODER_INIT_STATUS_OK: raise EncoderInitException(rc) self._initialised = True
[docs] class FileEncoder(_Encoder): """ The pyFLAC file encoder reads the raw audio data from the WAV file and writes the encoded audio data to a FLAC file. Note that the input WAV file must be either PCM_16 or PCM_32. Args: input_file (pathlib.Path): Path to the input WAV file output_file (pathlib.Path): Path to the output FLAC file, a temporary file will be created if unspecified. compression_level (int): The compression level parameter that varies from 0 (fastest) to 8 (slowest). The default setting is 5, see for more details. blocksize (int): The size of the block to be returned in the callback. The default is 0 which allows libFLAC to determine the best block size. streamable_subset (bool): Whether to use the streamable subset for encoding. If true the encoder will check settings for compatibility. If false, the settings may take advantage of the full range that the format allows. verify (bool): If `True`, the encoder will verify it's own encoded output by feeding it through an internal decoder and comparing the original signal against the decoded signal. If a mismatch occurs, the `process` method will raise a `EncoderProcessException`. Note that this will slow the encoding process by the extra time required for decoding and comparison. Raises: ValueError: If any invalid values are passed in to the constructor. """ def __init__(self, input_file: Path, output_file: Path = None, compression_level: int = 5, blocksize: int = 0, streamable_subset: bool = True, verify: bool = False): super().__init__() info = if info.subtype == 'PCM_16': dtype = 'int16' elif info.subtype == 'PCM_32': dtype = 'int32' else: raise ValueError(f'WAV input data type must be either PCM_16 or PCM_32: Got {info.subtype}') self.__raw_audio, sample_rate =, dtype=dtype) if output_file: self.__output_file = output_file else: output_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.flac') self.__output_file = Path( self._sample_rate = sample_rate self._blocksize = blocksize self._compression_level = compression_level self._streamable_subset = streamable_subset self._verify = verify def _init(self): """ Initialise the encoder to write to a file. Raises: EncoderInitException: if initialisation fails. """ c_output_filename ='char[]', str(self.__output_file).encode('utf-8')) rc = _lib.FLAC__stream_encoder_init_file( self._encoder, c_output_filename, _lib._progress_callback, self._encoder_handle, ) _ffi.release(c_output_filename) if rc != _lib.FLAC__STREAM_ENCODER_INIT_STATUS_OK: raise EncoderInitException(rc) self._initialised = True
[docs] def process(self) -> bytes: """ Process the audio data from the WAV file. Returns: (bytes): The FLAC encoded bytes. Raises: EncoderProcessException: if an error occurs when processing the samples """ super().process(self.__raw_audio) self.finish() with open(self.__output_file, 'rb') as f: return
@_ffi.def_extern(error=_lib.FLAC__STREAM_ENCODER_WRITE_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR) def _write_callback(_encoder, byte_buffer, num_bytes, num_samples, current_frame, client_data): """ Called internally when the encoder has compressed data ready to write. If an exception is raised here, the abort status is returned. """ encoder = _ffi.from_handle(client_data) buffer = bytes(_ffi.buffer(byte_buffer, num_bytes)) encoder.write_callback( buffer, num_bytes, num_samples, current_frame ) return _lib.FLAC__STREAM_ENCODER_WRITE_STATUS_OK @_ffi.def_extern(error=_lib.FLAC__STREAM_ENCODER_SEEK_STATUS_ERROR) def _seek_callback(_encoder, absolute_byte_offset, client_data): encoder = _ffi.from_handle(client_data) encoder.seek_callback(absolute_byte_offset) return _lib.FLAC__STREAM_ENCODER_SEEK_STATUS_OK @_ffi.def_extern(error=_lib.FLAC__STREAM_ENCODER_TELL_STATUS_ERROR) def _tell_callback(_encoder, absolute_byte_offset, client_data): encoder = _ffi.from_handle(client_data) absolute_byte_offset[0] = encoder.tell_callback() return _lib.FLAC__STREAM_ENCODER_TELL_STATUS_OK @_ffi.def_extern() def _metadata_callback(_encoder, metadata, client_data): """ Called once at the end of encoding with the populated STREAMINFO structure. This is so the client can seek back to the beginning of the file and write the STREAMINFO block with the correct statistics after encoding (like minimum/maximum frame size and total samples). """ encoder = _ffi.from_handle(client_data) encoder.metadata_callback(metadata) @_ffi.def_extern() def _progress_callback(_encoder, bytes_written, samples_written, frames_written, total_frames_estimate, client_data): encoder = _ffi.from_handle(client_data) encoder.logger.debug(f'{frames_written} frames written')