Source code for pyflac.decoder

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  pyFLAC decoder
#  Copyright (c) 2020-2024, Sonos, Inc.
#  All rights reserved.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

from collections import deque
from enum import Enum
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import tempfile
import threading
import time
from typing import Callable, Tuple

import numpy as np
import soundfile as sf

from pyflac._decoder import ffi as _ffi
from pyflac._decoder import lib as _lib

# -- State

# -- Exceptions
[docs] class DecoderInitException(Exception): """ An exception raised if initialisation fails for a `StreamDecoder` or a `FileDecoder`. """ def __init__(self, code): self.code = code def __str__(self): return _ffi.string(_lib.FLAC__StreamDecoderInitStatusString[self.code]).decode()
[docs] class DecoderProcessException(Exception): """ An exception raised if an error occurs during the processing of audio data. """ pass
# -- Decoder class _Decoder: """ A pyFLAC decoder. This generic class handles interaction with libFLAC. """ def __init__(self): """ Create a new libFLAC instance. This instance is automatically released when there are no more references to the decoder. """ self._error = None self._decoder = _ffi.gc(_lib.FLAC__stream_decoder_new(), _lib.FLAC__stream_decoder_delete) self._decoder_handle = _ffi.new_handle(self) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def finish(self): """ Finish the decoding process. Flushes the decoding buffer, releases resources, resets the decoder settings to their defaults, and returns the decoder state to `DecoderState.UNINITIALIZED`. A well behaved program should always call this at the end, otherwise the processing thread will be left running, awaiting more data. """ _lib.FLAC__stream_decoder_finish(self._decoder) # -- State @property def state(self) -> DecoderState: """ DecoderState: Property to return the decoder state """ return DecoderState(_lib.FLAC__stream_decoder_get_state(self._decoder)) # -- Processing def process(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class StreamDecoder(_Decoder): """ A pyFLAC stream decoder converts a stream of FLAC encoded bytes back to raw audio data. The compressed data is passed in via the `process` method, and blocks of raw uncompressed audio is passed back to the user via the `callback`. The `finish` method must be called at the end of the decoding process, otherwise the processing thread will be left running. Args: write_callback (fn): Function to call when there is uncompressed audio data ready, see the example below for more information. Examples: An example callback which writes the audio data to file using SoundFile. .. code-block:: python :linenos: import soundfile as sf def callback(self, audio: np.ndarray, sample_rate: int, num_channels: int, num_samples: int): # ------------------------------------------------------ # Note: num_samples is the number of samples per channel # ------------------------------------------------------ if self.output is None: self.output = sf.SoundFile( 'output.wav', mode='w', channels=num_channels, samplerate=sample_rate ) self.output.write(audio) Raises: DecoderInitException: If initialisation of the decoder fails """ def __init__(self, write_callback: Callable[[np.ndarray, int, int, int], None]): super().__init__() self._done = False self._buffer = deque() self._event = threading.Event() self._lock = threading.Lock() self.write_callback = write_callback rc = _lib.FLAC__stream_decoder_init_stream( self._decoder, _lib._read_callback, _ffi.NULL, _ffi.NULL, _ffi.NULL, _ffi.NULL, _lib._write_callback, _ffi.NULL, _lib._error_callback, self._decoder_handle ) if rc != _lib.FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_INIT_STATUS_OK: raise DecoderInitException(rc) self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._process) self._thread.daemon = True self._thread.start() # -- Processing def _process(self): """ Internal function to instruct the decoder to process until the end of the stream. This should be run in a separate thread. """ if not _lib.FLAC__stream_decoder_process_until_end_of_stream(self._decoder): self._error = 'A fatal read, write, or memory allocation error occurred'
[docs] def process(self, data: bytes): """ Instruct the decoder to process some data. Note: This is a non-blocking function, data is processed in a background thread. Args: data (bytes): Bytes of FLAC data """ self._lock.acquire() self._buffer.append(data) self._lock.release() self._event.set()
[docs] def finish(self): """ Finish the decoding process. This must be called at the end of the decoding process. Flushes the decoding buffer, closes the processing thread, releases resources, resets the decoder settings to their defaults, and returns the decoder state to `DecoderState.UNINITIALIZED`. Raises: DecoderProcessException: if any fatal read, write, or memory allocation error occurred. """ # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Finish processing what's in the buffer if there are no errors # -------------------------------------------------------------- while self._thread.is_alive() and self._error is None and len(self._buffer) > 0: time.sleep(0.01) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Instruct the decoder to finish up and wait until it is done # -------------------------------------------------------------- self._done = True self._event.set() self._thread.join() super().finish() if self._error: raise DecoderProcessException(self._error)
[docs] class FileDecoder(_Decoder): """ The pyFLAC file decoder reads the encoded audio data directly from a FLAC file and writes to a WAV file. Args: input_file (pathlib.Path): Path to the input FLAC file output_file (pathlib.Path): Path to the output WAV file, a temporary file will be created if unspecified. Raises: DecoderInitException: If initialisation of the decoder fails """ def __init__(self, input_file: Path, output_file: Path = None): super().__init__() self.__output = None self.write_callback = self._write_callback if output_file: self.__output_file = output_file else: output_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.wav') self.__output_file = Path( c_input_filename ='char[]', str(input_file).encode('utf-8')) rc = _lib.FLAC__stream_decoder_init_file( self._decoder, c_input_filename, _lib._write_callback, _ffi.NULL, _lib._error_callback, self._decoder_handle, ) _ffi.release(c_input_filename) if rc != _lib.FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_INIT_STATUS_OK: raise DecoderInitException(rc)
[docs] def process(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, int]: """ Process the audio data from the FLAC file. Returns: (tuple): A tuple of the decoded numpy audio array, and the sample rate of the audio data. Raises: DecoderProcessException: if any fatal read, write, or memory allocation error occurred (meaning decoding must stop) """ result = _lib.FLAC__stream_decoder_process_until_end_of_stream(self._decoder) if self.state != DecoderState.END_OF_STREAM and not result: raise DecoderProcessException(str(self.state)) self.finish() if self.__output: self.__output.close() return, always_2d=True)
def _write_callback(self, data: np.ndarray, sample_rate: int, num_channels: int, num_samples: int): """ Internal callback to write the decoded data to a WAV file. """ if self.__output is None: self.__output = sf.SoundFile( self.__output_file, mode='w', channels=num_channels, samplerate=sample_rate ) self.__output.write(data)
[docs] class OneShotDecoder(_Decoder): """ A pyFLAC one-shot decoder converts a buffer of FLAC encoded bytes back to raw audio data. Unlike the `StreamDecoder` class, the one-shot decoder operates on a single block of data, and runs in a blocking manner, as opposed to in a background thread. The compressed data is passed in via the constructor, and blocks of raw uncompressed audio is passed back to the user via the `callback`. Args: write_callback (fn): Function to call when there is uncompressed audio data ready, see the example below for more information. buffer (bytes): The FLAC encoded audio data Examples: An example callback which writes the audio data to file using SoundFile. .. code-block:: python :linenos: import soundfile as sf def callback(self, audio: np.ndarray, sample_rate: int, num_channels: int, num_samples: int): # ------------------------------------------------------ # Note: num_samples is the number of samples per channel # ------------------------------------------------------ if self.output is None: self.output = sf.SoundFile( 'output.wav', mode='w', channels=num_channels, samplerate=sample_rate ) self.output.write(audio) Raises: DecoderInitException: If initialisation of the decoder fails """ def __init__(self, write_callback: Callable[[np.ndarray, int, int, int], None], buffer: bytes): super().__init__() self._done = False self._buffer = deque() self._buffer.append(buffer) self._event = threading.Event() self._event.set() self._lock = threading.Lock() self.write_callback = write_callback rc = _lib.FLAC__stream_decoder_init_stream( self._decoder, _lib._read_callback, _ffi.NULL, _ffi.NULL, _ffi.NULL, _ffi.NULL, _lib._write_callback, _ffi.NULL, _lib._error_callback, self._decoder_handle ) if rc != _lib.FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_INIT_STATUS_OK: raise DecoderInitException(rc) while len(self._buffer) > 0: _lib.FLAC__stream_decoder_process_single(self._decoder) self._done = True super().finish()
@_ffi.def_extern(error=_lib.FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_READ_STATUS_ABORT) def _read_callback(_decoder, byte_buffer, num_bytes, client_data): """ Called internally when the decoder needs more input data. If an exception is raised here, the abort status is returned. """ decoder = _ffi.from_handle(client_data) # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Wait until there is something in the buffer, or an error # occurs, or the end of the stream is reached. # ---------------------------------------------------------- decoder._event.wait() if decoder._error: # ---------------------------------------------------------- # If an error has been issued via the error callback, then # abort the processing of the stream. # ---------------------------------------------------------- return _lib.FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_READ_STATUS_ABORT if decoder._done: # ---------------------------------------------------------- # The end of the stream has been instructed by a call to # finish. # ---------------------------------------------------------- num_bytes[0] = 0 return _lib.FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_READ_STATUS_END_OF_STREAM # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Ensure only the maximum bytes or less is taken from # the thread safe queue. # -------------------------------------------------------------- data = bytes() maximum_bytes = int(num_bytes[0]) decoder._lock.acquire() if len(decoder._buffer[0]) <= maximum_bytes: data = decoder._buffer.popleft() maximum_bytes -= len(data) if len(decoder._buffer) > 0 and len(decoder._buffer[0]) > maximum_bytes: data += decoder._buffer[0][0:maximum_bytes] decoder._buffer[0] = decoder._buffer[0][maximum_bytes:] # -------------------------------------------------------------- # If there is no more data to process from the buffer, then # clear the event, the thread will await more data to process. # -------------------------------------------------------------- if len(decoder._buffer) == 0 or (len(decoder._buffer) > 0 and len(decoder._buffer[0]) == 0): decoder._event.clear() decoder._lock.release() actual_bytes = len(data) num_bytes[0] = actual_bytes _ffi.memmove(byte_buffer, data, actual_bytes) return _lib.FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_READ_STATUS_CONTINUE @_ffi.def_extern() def _seek_callback(_decoder, absolute_byte_offset, client_data): raise NotImplementedError @_ffi.def_extern() def _tell_callback(_decoder, absolute_byte_offset, client_data): raise NotImplementedError @_ffi.def_extern() def _length_callback(_decoder, stream_length, client_data): raise NotImplementedError @_ffi.def_extern() def _eof_callback(_decoder, client_data): raise NotImplementedError @_ffi.def_extern(error=_lib.FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_WRITE_STATUS_ABORT) def _write_callback(_decoder, frame, buffer, client_data): """ Called internally when the decoder has uncompressed raw audio data to output. If an exception is raised here, the abort status is returned. """ channels = [] decoder = _ffi.from_handle(client_data) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Data comes from libFLAC in a 32bit array, where the 16bit # audio data sits in the least significant bits. # -------------------------------------------------------------- bytes_per_frame = frame.header.blocksize * np.dtype(np.int32).itemsize if frame.header.bits_per_sample not in (16, 32): raise ValueError('Only int16/int32 data type is supported') # -------------------------------------------------------------- # The buffer contains an array of pointers to decoded channels # of data. Each pointer will point to an array of signed samples # of length `frame.header.blocksize`. # # Channels will be ordered according to the FLAC specification. # -------------------------------------------------------------- for ch in range(0, frame.header.channels): cbuffer = _ffi.buffer(buffer[ch], bytes_per_frame) npbuffer = np.frombuffer(cbuffer, dtype='int32') if frame.header.bits_per_sample == 16: channels.append(npbuffer.astype(np.int16)) elif frame.header.bits_per_sample == 32: channels.append(npbuffer) output = np.column_stack(channels) decoder.write_callback( output, int(frame.header.sample_rate), int(frame.header.channels), int(frame.header.blocksize) ) return _lib.FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_WRITE_STATUS_CONTINUE @_ffi.def_extern() def _metadata_callback(_decoder, metadata, client_data): raise NotImplementedError @_ffi.def_extern() def _error_callback(_decoder, status, client_data): """ Called whenever an error occurs during decoding. """ decoder = _ffi.from_handle(client_data) message = _ffi.string( _lib.FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatusString[status]).decode() decoder.logger.error(f'Error in libFLAC decoder: {message}') decoder._error = message decoder._event.set()